Register for recreation activities

The City of Lakewood runs recreation programs and classes all year, with catalogs issued seasonally in the fall, spring and summer.

Priority mail-in and online registration for Lakewood residents begins as soon as the new catalog is released online. 

Print catalogs are available at City Hall and select locations around the city.

If you'd like a catalog mailed to you, call to request one.


Step 1.Get the activity number from the catalog.

You'll find it in the class or activity description. Check the print catalog, the interactive online catalog, or the searchable ecatalog for the information.

Step 2.Call 562-866-9771, extension 2408.

Recreation & Community Services staff will sign you up for your selected activities. 

Step 3.Have your payment card handy.

You can pay with credit or debit card over the phone. 


Step 1.Go the Recreation & Community Services counter in City Hall.

It's helpful if you have the activity number for the classes; if not, staff can look it up for you.

Step 2.Pay by check, cash or credit card. 


Step 1.Complete the registration form in the catalog. 

Clip the LIFE (Lakewood Individual & Family Enrollment) form in the back of the print catalog, or print the one in the interactive version, and fill it out.

Step 2.Mail LIFE form and check or money order to:

City of Lakewood

P. O. Box 158

Lakewood, CA  90714



Step 1.Browse the interactive catalog for the activity number you want

Use the new interactive online recreation catalog to browse the offerings for the type of activity you want.

Interactive catalog

Click on the activity number for the day/time of the class or event. You'll link directly to the ecatalog page to register for that activity.

Step 2.Know the activity number? Go straight to the searchable ecatalog

Enter the activity number or a keyword from the class description in the search box to find and register for your class.

Ecatalog site

You can also click the navigation bar at the top for "Activities" or "Sports" to narrow your browsing search.

Step 3.To confirm your choice, click "Add to Cart."

Step 4.Log in...or create a new account

You can start up your account in advance: Create a new account

Step 5.Continue adding classes until check-out