Special Trash & Hazardous Waste

Drop off your hazardous and e-waste items at EDCO's facility in Signal Hill for free any 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., except for holiday closures (see sidebar). 

You can drop off items such as:

  • E-waste (televisions, computers, phones, etc.)
  • Batteries
  • Light bulbs
  • Household toxics like paint, insecticides, chemicals
  • Used cooking and motor oil
  • Expired medications and sharps

NOTE: Sharps should be brought in a heavy-duty plastic household container that is leak resistant with a tight-fitting, puncture-resistant lid, such as a plastic laundry detergent container. Sharps containers should be upright and stable during use and properly labeled to warn of hazardous waste inside the container. 

How to prepare for drive-through disposal

  • Clear out your trunk or truck bed.
  • Place all items for disposal in open cardboard boxes for easy removal by EDCO staff.
  • Sharps should be in a safe container inside the vehicle. You will exit your vehicle to dispose of them in a designated area.

Along with being a free option for hazardous and e-waste, the 68,000-square-foot facility is a traditional dump transfer station and, for a fee, takes large and oversize amounts of brick, used lumber and other material that can't be put in residential trash carts, recycling carts or green waste cans. The facility can be phoned at 562-597-0608.