Lakewood, California is a business-friendly city and a welcoming, family-oriented community.
Check the quicklinks at right and the resources below to get the information you need to start or relocate your business in Lakewood.
Information on Lakewood's commercial and retail shopping centers, as well as resources for business reports and resources to help with site selection.
Register as a supplier to be considered for the competitive bid process for supplies and contracts with the City of Lakewood.
Complete this form to obtain a business license permit for film products.
How to get a business license with the City of Lakewood, California.
Complete this form to authorize the city to remove graffiti on your commercial property.
The City of Lakewood welcomes new businesses to our community. Here you'll find information to help you take the first steps to start a new business.
The Lakewood Leadership Academy is designed to educate and develop effective community leaders to take an active role towards building a stronger Lakewood.
The Lakewood Municipal Code contains the current ordinances (as amended) that have been adopted by the Lakewood City Council.
A short-term rental is the rental of any portion of a single-family home, condominium, townhome, apartment or any dwelling unit for periods of time less than 31 consecutive calendar days.
Whether you are just starting out, or looking to grow your Lakewood business, these resources will help provide valuable support and training.
Get help from Lakewood's Public Works Department to set up your business's regular and organics recycling program.
Pole license agreement letter and wireless facility permit information for interested providers in the City of Lakewood.