About Lakewood, California Lakewood, California, located in southern Los Angeles County, is primarily a single-family community, with a commercial/retail economic base.
Calendar of Lakewood Events Check the calendar for upcoming events and things to do in Lakewood, California.
Charitable & Service Organizations The City of Lakewood is home to many charitable, civic and community organizations and groups to benefit the community,
CityTV Live Streaming See CityTV programs about Lakewood history, city events, customer service tips, and watch the Lakewood City Council meetings live streamed here.
Lakewood Then and Now Lakewood Then and Now is a 70th anniversary project bringing past and current images of life in Lakewood to your neighborhood by wrapping corner utility boxes with murals of historical and contemporary photographs..
Contact Us Call, email, visit us or use our online system to request service or report any type of issue of concern. Get our free emagazine to stay in touch.
Transit Guide The Lakewood Transit Guide is packed with advice on alternatives to solo driving, trip-planning tools and help on getting around by transit.
Visitor Highlights Information for visitors to Lakewood including shopping, dining and transportation options as well as locations of parks, community centers and other regional attractions.