Historical films
CityTV’s collection of historical videos includes the 1954, pre-incorporation Lakewood Story as well as the 1959 version aimed at helping unincorporated communities understand the possibilities of the Lakewood Plan for contracting.
The experiences of Lakewood's suburban pioneers in 1950 and 1951 are highlighted a series that begins with Early Memories and continues with Moving In, City of Children,and Investing in Young Lakewood. Lakewood residents tell their own stories in It's a Wonderful Town.
The development of Lakewood and efforts to incorporate the city are told through profiles of city builders S. Mark Taper, Louis Boyar, Ben Weingart, and City Attorney John S. Todd.
The fight to prevent annexation in 1953 and the make Lakewood a city in 1954 is told in two programs: Annexation and City Born.
CityTV’s full catalog includes many more historical videos.