Get Involved
Everyone is encouraged to write a note of thanks on their own card or use a complimentary postcard available at city hall to join this effort. Click here for Lakewood locations to pick up postcards and drop off completed cards.
Your school, scout group, nonprofit organization or business of any size is welcome to join us in this meaningful project and organize your own card collection. You can then turn in the cards you collect to City Hall (by Thursday, Dec. 5) to be included in the mailing by Operation Gratitude to deployed troops overseas.
There are just 3 easy steps to join the effort:
1. Click here to complete the online form. Once you do, you'll receive a link to download the free information kit that contains instructions, tips and sample flyers you can print or email to others.
2. In the form, tell us if your business or nonprofit organization would like to be added to our list of partners and/or public drop-off locations on our website. Your group does not have to be a public drop-off location to be listed as a partner. We hope to post the names of every group collecting cards for this effort.
NOTE: If you agree to be a public drop-off location, be sure to provide in the online form your full street address and the days and hours you will accept cards. That information will then be listed on our Partners and Drop-Off Locations page.
3. Create a drop box for cards and promote it to your members, customers and friends! Set a deadline that will give you time to count up all the cards, fill out the transmittal form, and get them to City Hall by Thursday, Dec. 5. Deliver the transmittal form and cards received to the Public Information Office during business hours (Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., alternate Fridays 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.) no later than Thursday, Dec. 5. Click here for the transmittal form(PDF, 109KB).
We will continue to add partners and drop-off locations to our website at the Partners and Drop-Off Locations page as the project progresses. Start early and spread the word!
For more information, please email Veronica Copeland in Public Information or call 562-866-9771, extension 3123.