There are four award categories in the Lakewood Beautiful program:
Beautiful Home Award. This is the city’s most traditional award, which has honored hundreds of Lakewood homes over three decades. This award recognizes the front-facing exterior and landscaping of a home, displaying exceptional care and pride of ownership.
Jackie Rynerson “Transformation Award.” This will honor homeowners who have remodeled the front-facing exterior and landscaping of their property over the past three years. The rejuvenation need not have been expensive or elaborate, but something that improves or enhances the overall property. To be eligible, the bulk of the improvements must have been done or overseen by the current homeowner, not a prior homeowner. Dated "before" and "after" pictures must be submitted with the nomination to demonstrate the transformation (digital photos may be uploaded to the online nomination form). Homes being marketed for sale are not eligible.
Jackie Rynerson was an original Lakewood resident who helped organize her fellow citizens to form the City of Lakewood in 1954. Jackie served as a city council member from 1978 to 1990, and she created the original Lakewood Beautiful to inspire and honor Lakewood homeowners.
Neat and Tidy Award. This newest category was added to recognize homeowners who are consistent with maintaining their landscaping and a clean home exterior.
Water-Wise Award. This honors beautiful homes with beautiful yards nominated in one of the first three categories who deserve extra recognition for landscaping that utilizes water-conserving irrigation devices and plantings.