Published on August 19, 2024
According to the CDC, our nation’s youth are experiencing a mental health crisis. Too many adolescents and young adults are feeling anxious, sad and hopeless, and the majority never get help.
As part of the state’s CalHOPE program, regardless of insurance coverage, California residents can now get free one-on-one mental health support with a live coach, a multimedia resource library, wellness exercises, and peer communities moderated by trained behavioral health professionals to ensure the appropriateness of content and the safety of all users, via two new web and app-based platforms.
Soluna is a free app designed for teens and young adults ages 13-25.
BrightLife Kids is for parents (and caregivers) with kids ages 0-12.
Soluna and BrightLife Kids were designed with input from more than 1,000 unique and diverse stakeholders and launched as part of the CalHOPE program.
They complement existing services offered by health plans, counties and schools by providing additional care options and resources.
Learn more about Soluna and download the app:
Soluna for ages 13-25
Learn more about BrightlifeKids: